R S Animal Shelter

Full information about place Establishment "R S Animal Shelter" at 81 Almond Road, Norma, Pittsgrove Township, NJ 08347. Find out the full address, phone number, opening hours, customer reviews, map and photos.




81 Almond Road, Norma, Pittsgrove Township, NJ 08347
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Phone number:
+1 856-691-4333

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Reviews about R S Animal Shelter

  • Preston Owens
    Mar, 19 2018
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    After a cat that I adopted strayed and was caught in a trap, it took me days to find where she was taken. She had wandered into a neighbor's yard/trap. When I found out where she was and called them, they said they had her, but when they went to clean her cage, she bolted outside, into the woods. Their cages were inside a structure, making it difficult to impossible for my cat to escape so easily. Either the attendants were so monumentally incompetent or they were blowing smoke up my ass and killed her, using the 'She ran away' story that you tell your child! No matter what they said or did, I'll never get that cat back. I am so sad.
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